my life according to DEPECHE MODE

{i saw that tiburon posted this and thought to play along. if you like music, this is for you. if not so much? move on....}

and, for the record: for the amount of time i spent/wasted/can never get back putting this together, i think it should change the world. or, at the LEAST, cure cancer.

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think!
Repost as "my life according to (band name)"

Pick your Artist:

depeche mode

Depeche Mode

Describe yourself:
oh, my. where to start? for sure i'd go withperfect , pleasure little treasure, sweetest perfection (cue sarcasm now.)

but in reality? more like damaged people

How do you feel:

i feel loved

Describe where you currently live:


If you could go anywhere, where would you go:

in your room

Your favorite form of transportation:

behind the wheel

Your best friend:


You and your best friend are:


What's the weather like:

it's no good

Favorite time of day:

enjoy the silence

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:

easy tiger, strangelove

What is life to you:

just can't get enough

Your relationship:

higher love , the sweetest condition

Your fear:

shake the disease

What is the best advice you have to give:

people are people , i feel you

Thought for the Day:

shine, dream on

How I would like to die:

new life, peace, halo, clean

My soul's present condition:

get the balance right

My motto:
everything counts


tiburon said...


I KNEW you could do Depeche proud.

Well played Melinda. Well played.

Kyle said...

I have never been tempted to blog. Until now.

However, seeing that I have zero chance of hijacking my wife's blog to play along with this little game, I guess the blogging community will never know how great the answers would be using Rush songs.


Kyle said...

ps - could you use album names as well?

tiburon said...

Kyle - you just get me the list and I will post it for you :)

mCat said...

Great list! What's funny is I don't even know a single song on it! But I like you! And Rush - go for it Kyle

Trina said...

Good job! Especially on the Enjoy the Silence one--that would have been my pick, too.

Cole said...

Oooohh, love so many different parts of that...Won't bother to point out my favs, you know what they are ;)

Vanessa said...

And you have LINKS! Kudos!

Riggs Rascals said...

Just disappointed that Master & Servant did not make the list...even though Strangelove did..