unique utahns of the world UNITE!!!

today i go into chandler's school with poster in hand (btw, who started that heinous tradition? i'm all about taking a few photos to school, but that poster is outta control. if it doesn't look like a pebbles example then you suck as a mother....oh well, par for the course) to celebrate chandler as the "unique utahn of the week". our little chanandler bong is such a funny little duck who's world revolves around her friends and her social life and has been known on more than one occasion to be lining up the next sleep over or play date or swimming fun BEFORE we are walking out the door for the first activity. (who could she possibly have inherited this trait from? hmmmm..) she filled out a questionnaire and some of her answers were so funny that i had to post it. she's most definitely her mother's daughter, but we love her in spite of that fact.

so, this: we take treats in today when we do this thing and chandi wanted donuts, so last night russ went and got 3 boxes and we were in the kitchen cleaning up and i think this conversation TOTALLY sums up how funny russ is and what a caretaker he is and what a caretaker i'm NOT. let me break it down just one time for y'all:

russ: i got the donuts--will 3 dozen be enough?

me: yes, there are only like 26 kids in the class plus teacher, so it will be more than enough.

russ: chandi, do you have a drinking fountain in your classroom?

chandi: yeah, each class room has a drinking fountain.

russ: oh, that's good.

me: (puzzled voice, head cocked to the side) why in the world did you want to know if there was a drinking fountain? that's random....

russ: well, after donuts they will probably be thirsty. i thought they would need a drink of water, and i didn't know if i should bring cups and something to drink or no.

me. (laughing out loud) well, they are fourth graders. if they are thirsty, they can drink their spit.

oh, russrussruss!!! this is why i love him. he just slays me sometimes. what a good dad, and how lucky are we?


Jennie Minor said...

Chandi is so cute! I love that she put her favorite drink as Diet Coke, and her favorite magazine in US. HAHA She is great!

Megal said...

Chanandler Bong! I love that girl and how lovey she is. She is the greatest and I also find her to be one very Unique Utahn. Way to go Chandi! Russ, Russ, Russ. How we all wish we had a little of that in each of us. He is the greatest!

{Annie N.} said...

I love little Chandi. How funny were her answers!? U.S. and Diet Coke I can relate to that Chick!

{Annie N.} said...

lame I didn't read what Jennie wrote until after. Opps!