he took us out to the ball game~ minor league baseball scottsdale march 2009

AND he bought us some peanuts and crackerjacks. AND very expensive hot dogs, nachos, and cups of diet coke~thanks dad!

while in scottsdale we went to a spring training baseball game at a beautiful outdoor ball field. we saw the kansas city royals and the los angeles dodgers. (not like i cared. i was there strictly in a socializing capacity.)

my favorite part about the whole experience was the fact that we were able to sit on the lawn with our blankets and spread out. TOTALLY the best way to do it, in my opinion.

the kids ran around all night long and had the best time--our max even caught the homerun ball and was the envy of every boy, young and old!

you're welcome, internet, for that cleavage shot. sorry it's not more spectacular.


Just SO said...

How fun!!

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

How fun!

ps. I love how you always say "You're welcome internet" I so got that one from you...funny!

tiburon said...

I am SOOOO jillious. I have always wanted to go to a spring training game.

Can I just come with you next year?

veronica said...

Has anyone ever told the RBC that his wife is HAWT?! They should.

mCat said...

So so so JEALOUS!! What I wouldn't do for a spring training game. Any MLB game for that matter!! Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

How fun, what a cool Spring Break!

Omgirl said...

That look so fun! MOstly I'm just jealous to see you guys hanging out on the grass wearing summer clothes!!!

Shawn said...

I don't really like baseball---but I do like the camraderie---and it looked like you had fun...

You look gorgeous, by the by.