major BIGGIE

some of our very favorites came down this weekend--kyle and kami of
no biggie delighted us with their sharp wit and charming personalities. and don't even get me STARTED on their extreme photo-taking & computer-hacking skillz. because then i'll never stop. ("will it evah stop? YO! I DON'T KNOW!!)

we were dazzled beyond compare by the unseasonably cool weather, dinner at the painted pony, and kyle and kami's EXTREME GOOD LOOKS.

thanks, guys for the awesome weekend! all we can say is:

****to see the rock-star account version of our weekend, you must click HERE. you go NOW!


Mrs Anne said...

yay for family and friends...

and rich monkeys!


Tiffany said...

Sounds like a blast! I'll take a major Biggie, please. :)

kami @ said...

You are too kind and you know it. We had such a great time and now I'm afraid that we will never ever win. waaaa.

Thanks again and again and again. We love all the HERS and THE HIM tooo much!

gina bina said...

Kind of jealous that ya'll are like BFF and stuff.

...probably should have saved that for the confession booth :).

tiburon said...



Why is the world so cruel that it wasn't me.

Kendra said...

Mindi - You are the hottest lookin girl ever! You really do look awesome =)