it figures.

okay, i SWEAR i am the only one this ever happens to. but i need confirmation.

do you ever keep something around forever, thinking you might need it for something? and when you finally decide to purge and get rid of it, a need for that EXACT. ITEM. comes around?

i bought a plastic snowflake shower curtain the day after christmas three years ago. the snowflakes were all really brightly colored and of a somewhat whimsical (i use that word a lot) design, so i thought i might use it if i re-decorated the girl's bathroom.

it's collected dust whilst lurking in my hall closet for a small eternity, so when i cleaned out the closet about 6 weeks ago it got the boot.

this past weekend as i was preparing the 'larkin family jeopardy' game for our family reunion, i realized i needed that shower curtain to post all of the neon-colored questions on.

instead, i went to the store and bought a plain old boring white one. BLAH.

price of shower curtain purchased from target: $6.99 + tax

knowing that i will never learn this lesson and will repeat this process for the rest of my life?:



Vanessa said...

I just gave all my baby stuff away. I better not get pregnant, then I'll be up a creek.

janece said...

You are seriously so funny!!

Mrs Anne said...

it's kinda life's way of saying "ha ha" at us.

(it happens to me often)

i feel your pain.

p.s. i'm planning for a garage sale and now i have major anxiety.


tiburon said...

I do that all.the.time.

Not with shower curtains though...

Nathan said...

Are you kidding? This happens to me on a weekly basis.

And it's with random things that I seriously can't think of a single use for.

Mia said...

See, this is exactly the thinking that has caused me to hang on to BOXES of stuff that I haven't looked at or thought about in years.

Plain Jame said...

I lose sleep over stuff like this...
I am planning a yard sale and I'm seriously having anxiety over it.
My therapist told me that I have permission to buy something new if I want to.

That opened up a whole new can of worms because now I have to go out and buy things I want, and yet somehow still keep my marriage intact with my tightwad husband.

Omgirl said...

You are lucky. I have the opposite problem of keeping everything even though I never need it. JUST IN CASE.