obsessed with suave spray gel for our little heads of hairs.

one day five years ago i went into the nursery after church to get abbey. when i leaned down to pick her up, another little girl walked right in front of me and i got a big whiff of her hair. i was in love, instantly. i asked her mom why her hair smelled so great and my child's head just smelled like recess and she told me her secret: suave spray gel. yes, suave--dirt cheap and alot of bang for the buck.

i spray it quite liberally on my girl's hair when it is wet after bathing and i have found that it really doesn't work like gel--mostly it just makes their hair smell cleaner. while they are young, i like that i can use something inexpensive, because i know the dollars are gonna start adding up as they get older. my favorite scent is ocean breeze, and i find it at walmart or harmons. i just wish i could figure out how to keep them in saran wrap or a ziplock baggie of some sort so they would still smell good when they come home all sweaty from school--will someone please invent something for that? they would be a billionaire.


Anonymous said...

They can't smell that good all the time because they have not yet hit the age of no-longer-innocent. You know, when they start coifing for girls & boys. Scary. It is true woman dress to impress other woman. Right!?

Mindi said...

right on--
some kids are smellier than others, and picking them up sometimes from school with a carload is like HOLY MOLY stinky

Jennie Minor said...

it's because of those dang elementary schools. When I open up Truman's closet I get an instant smell of elementary and I get sick to my stomach. Both Preston and I have told him that he smells like school so much that now he asks us if he can spray cologne so he doesn't stink.

{jen} said...

Amen sister- When the doors of the bus fly open, delivering our children home after eight hours of school... there is not enough Lysol in the world that can cover that odor!

Erica Onelove said...

Seriously, kids reek after school. Sometimes I make my kids shower again after school cuz they stink so bad.

I'm gonna get this fo sho.