1. my sister megan. she was born 28 years ago today and i love her so much (as you can see from my 5-page post about her.)
2. if i'm on sisters, then i want to tell my other sister loni (who's blogger id actually says "loni--the other sister"--how much i love her, too. loni does many things for many people and should get a major award for it.
3. my dustbuster. mia is almost 3. need i say more??
4. exercise classes at the rec center. with sickness, and breaking my toe (well, technically it might not have been broken, but i self-diagnosed. cuz i'm self smart.) and abbey's tonsils i've had quite a little sabbatical, but there's no rest for the wicked, so vacay is O-V-E-R.
5. spring weather in utah's dixie and all the cool scenery i see every day. may i never take it for granted!
I like that - 'self smart'! You are very self smart to not be pushing yourself to the gym before you're completely healed and vulnerable to further injury! Way to go!
Yeah, this weather is pretty amazing! I love it too!
Love that you self diagnose cause you are self smart. i knew I fell in love with you for a reason!
I can't wait to get a dose of the spring weather in Dixie!
Self smart, still cracks me up! Glad that you are having amazing spring weather.
Work outs at the rec center are the best. I feel so sly giving them quarters to go to a $2 yoga class!
I'm so jealous of your so. utah weather!!!!!
I would love to live in St. Hoohey. I am glad you are thankful for it, you lucky girl!
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