mothers day getaway FOR mothers

one of my "happy mother's day" presents from russ was the chance to stay down in las vegas after the duran duran concert and have a girl's nite out with megan, jody, melissa, and karen.
we "roomed" together after the depeche mode concert back in april 2006 and decided that the time was way overdue to try that out those living accommodations again. melissa was coming down from slc to visit her sister, karen, who already lives in vegas, and so she invited us to join in on the festivities.

we checked in here about noon on saturday:

so we could spend the next 31/2 hours chillaxing on big orange lounges here:

the pool is simply amazing, and, as always, vegas doesn't disappoint when it comes to people watching. we were quite fascinated with this fellow:

after pondering why it is that any man would consider it a good idea to wear a speedo, we went up to the room to get ready for dinner and our show--we went to the cheesecake factory out in the district in henderson and had the most disappointing dinner of our lifetime with the worst waitress in the history of the world. it was finally bad enough that i had to complain to the manager who was disguised as a 15 year old boy. i actually considered asking him if i could talk to his dad, but he turned out to be very gracious and comped us some of our dinner and gave us free cheesecake. i rewarded him with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact, which i think he was TOTALLY into.

we left dinner so very late and hauled ass over to mandalay bay for our 10:00pm showing of "mama mia"--we went to valet the car and the attendants wouldn't let us, saying the lot was full-- did they NOT know that we know steve kemp? more importantly do they not know i'm married to RUSS CLOVE? very disrepectful imo.

 we drove up into the millions of cars in the parking garage and were frantically searching for a spot when we finally spotted one at the end of the row. megan put the pedal down and we got down there when another car pulled around from the other side to get it. it was now about 9:50 and we still hadn't picked up our tickets, so we were frantic to get in--i started yelling for megan to pull in, it was our frickin' spot, but the guys in the other car started flipping out and it was total anarchy. melissa and karen were slumped down in the back seat in the fetal position, laughing and crying at the same time, and megan was paralyzed with fear, saying, "i don't know what to do...."
i was in the back seat, trying to unlock my door so i could get out and stand in the spot and fight for what was rightfully ours, screaming "dammit, megan!! let me OUT!!!".......what a mess.
megan decided to be a lover, not a fighter, which ended up being better in the end, as we got a more prime, closer spot--but i was a little miffed, as i knew we TOTALLY could have taken them.....

we ran thru mandalay as quickly as 5 women in high heels could (karen broke her shoe in her efforts for punctuality--RIP) and managed to slip into our seats moments before the curtains went up.

now, let me say this: if you want to see mama mia, i would suggest you do it ONLY if you get the tickets at the half-price booths, because it is showing it's age a bit. most of our problem was the fact that we were on the front row and could see everything WAAAAAAAAY too clearly. the lead actress who played "sophie" came out in a skirt that was two sizes too small and all i could focus on was her muffin top which was coming out all over the place and moving in lots of different directions. sad, i know, but holy mother of trainwrecks--there were a couple of other dancers who's costumes were about 2 sizes too small, and megan put it best when she said, "i think some of the cast went on a two month hiatus from their diet, but forgot to tell the wardrobe department....they showed up that night, saying, 'i can still make this costume work!' they just had to pull out the pliers and the spray bottle to wet it down...."

worst moment of the production?? the very end scene where the two young lovers stand on the stage and this coolest full moon comes up over the stage and they kiss in front of it and it's so very romantic.....unless you are sitting as close as us, and then you can see that the young man's pants are WRANGLERS, FOR THE LOVE!!! WRANGLERS, I SAY!!!!

oh my.

what a fun 24 hours we had!!! we did count up the pairs of shoes we had between the 5 women in the room--the tally? 21 pairs!!  


Jennie Minor said...

how fun! You girls look beautiful as always.

kami @ said...

What a fun way to spend Mother's Day Weekend! Such a fun group of girlies!

I love your dress!

melissamarchant said...

what a fantabulous weekend mindi! Thanks again for such a great time. I loved reliving the moment in the parking garage. I would love the pics when you get a minute - Thanks!

Holly H. said...

Ok, first of all, I love that you had that many shoes for one night. My kinda girl for sure! Also, I'm sad that Mama Mia didn't go over so well for you. We saw it about 3 years ago when we were staying at Mandalay and loved it so much! The girls weren't chubby, and the guy at the end was hot! They must have left and are on to bigger and better things by now, because from your explanation... it definitely wasn't them. Gotta love the Abba music though right?!?

Megal said...

Such a great time! Loved it. Tell Russ thanks again for scoring us that gift card!

Ida said...

That is so cool glad you all had a good time. :)

carly k said...

That pool totally rocks! Next time I am needing a night in Vegas, I totally want to stay there! Besides, I love that area of Vegas...kinda wanna move there...sometimes...

Trina said...

Again, I am a bit jealous. I want a Mother's Day getaway to Vegas next year.

Kristi said...

Ok, you ladies know how to party!! That sounds like my kind of weekend. And you are too stinkin cute for words, Mindi. And ha-larious.

Karen and John said...

Mindi, I am still laughing about everything that happened on Saturday. I just wishing that I had the chance to see you go off on those guys in the parking garage, but maybe next time. Thanks again for letting me come along with you crazy girls, I had a blast!

tiburon said...

Looks like such a blast! Girls weekends are the best! You all look stunning. I can't believe you took a pic of speedo guy!

Jori said...

Hey how did you get a picture of Ryan by the pool??;) That is one nice banana hammock.

You look super cute!! Love the dress.

kourtney said...

What a great time! Now there's a girl I have been waiting to see on your blog-tell Megan hi from lil' 'ol me! "Beauties on the strip"! Sounds like a new show on Broadway (or Vegas). What fun!

Mia said...

Whew! You ladies rocked the house for sure this weekend. Looks like you had a blast. I am glad that you had such a fun time! And of course you are as beautiful as ever.

Joellen said...

Had the best time. Thank you for staying on your side of the bed for the 3 hours that we slumbered.

Amy said...

What is wrong with a 3 pound girl in a 2 pound dress? Wranglers butts used to drive you nuts! What happened?

Hacking it up said...

You pretty!

Looks like you had a blast!!!! I wanna go!! :)

hoLLy said...

you girls are gorgeous! that hotel looks fabulous! i need to get me some more friends and get one of those girls weekends started:) looks like a must do!

{Annie N.} said...

I wish I was cool enough to be invited to one of your fun outings. Looks like lots of fun!:)

Renee said...

Well, you didn't get to watch Anne of Green Gables in my rec room for Mother's Day like I did, but I guess a Vegas Weekend sounds "ok". You know, if you're into really fun things like that.