russ clove took me to my senior ball and got me the best corsage

my junior prom theme was my 'song' with my boyfriend shane, a little ditty by chicago called "will you still love me?" --a typical chicago/peter ceteraish soft rock confection that was totally cheeseball, but it was OUR cheeseball. that is, until he went and asked anne isom as his date and kinda forgot to tell me that he was going to do that. even though we'd been dating exclusively for 4 months, AND i had just returned from salt lake city getting my dress. yeaaaaaahhhhh, that didn't suck at all. he also had the class to do it about 12 days before prom happened, so everyone who was going had already asked someone. i spent prom with a few other friends at a "prom rejects" party, teetering on the edge.

 my senior ball song was "edge of forever" by dream academy. i was the one who suggested it (so very forward thinking of me) and it was also my favorite dance because russ took me. and bought me a corsage that went on my wrist and not all smooshed on the front of my dress. AND it had 18 little red rosebuds in it instead of a few carnations with some satin ribbon--good boy, russ. anyway, i have it on my blog player--it's the song towards the end of ferris bueller when sloane says, "that boy wants to marry me" while wearing her contempo-casual cool boots and walking shorts and leather fringed jacket. i always coveted that outfit so. most romantic scene in ferris bueller? the art institute scene played out to one of my favorite smith's tunes.


Jori said...

Awwww how sweet I didn't know you and Russ have been smoochin' it up since highschool. My jr. prom theme was that song that goes "whenver I want you all I have to do is dream...dream...dream dream" that is me virtually singing it to you. Here is cause for therapy too-I don't know the theme from sr. prom because I didn't go. I sat home eating bon bons and watched can't buy me love.

Christie said...

I never went to prom :( My junior year, my boyfriend was in REHAB! And I graduated early, so I was out of highschool by the time senior prom came around. So, so sad.

Hildie said...

I went to the Senior Prom-by myself. I did not have a date, but I still bought a super sexy dress and went anyway. I don't know that there was any sort of song. Maybe "bust a move". That song reminds me of prom. Who cares about slow songs if no boys dance with you? Actually, my friends were all sweet about letting their dates dance with me. I had several girls come up to me at the dance and tell me they were jealous. They wish they had been boy-free too.

Renee said...

Yow, so sorry! At least your adventures in prom ended on a great note!

Me, not so much. I didn't have a date for my jr year because my parents had just moved our family to the US from Germany and I didn't know anyone. Then my sr year, I went with a "boyfriend", and wore a hideous white taffeta nightmare. I don't actually remember the song, but I wish it were "These Dreams". That and "Baracuda". I'm being serious.

Holly H. said...

I don't remember my junior or sophomore prom songs, but my senior prom song was a big ordeal! Everyone was mad because the "prom committe" (nerds) picked some song that no one had ever heard of and still to this day I have no idea what it was or who sang it. LAME!

tiburon said...

I have spent the last 16 years trying to block every memory of my prom. I went with Adam #1. I wore a tight black dress. I really don't remember much else. Which, really, is a good thing.

Amy said...

I must confess that your pick of songs did it for me. It was my favorite of all dances... I went with my main man, Jamison. I loved the song...l loved the dress... and for a while I thought I loved the boy. Crazy how just thinking of the song brings back sooooo many memories. Thanks for the little trip down DHS memory lane. Shane? You mean Art? He teaches ceramics at Snow Canyon... funny! Just think if you would have stayed with him you could have had free pots and vases instead of free travel. You sure missed a good one there!

rachel said...

I posted all of my prom memories with a "favorite dress" post gone past. My school was soooo small that I got to go every year. I LOVE those scenes you described from Ferris Bueller...another fave of mine!

carly k said...

I remember that my very first prom was with Sean Habibian, ew, and that he was totally late picking me up for the day-date because he was hung over. I still can't believe I went when he did show up 3 hours later! But, to my credit, I found out later in the night that he was late because of a hangover... Good times!

LN said...

We only had a sr. prom. Our song was some Billy Joel song none of us had ever heard of (except the handful of ppl on the prom committee) called "I've Loved These Days". The title is appropriate but the lyrics are not!!

Collette said...

Prom, there were some good ones and some bad ones. More bad than good. Our prom songs were songs that were written by our peers, those dorky musical people who sang them too! Cheesy!

Mia said...

Memories are totally repressed. Actually I went to my senior prom with my oldest brother. I think I take the lame cake!

tara said...

um, wow? how in tarnation do you remember all that shaz? I'm lucky to remember my dates, let along a SONG. no way.

Hacking it up said...

WOW. Those are some hot lookin prom least they got to go....I have NO Prom memories...or Homecoming...or any other dance for that matter...WHY? Because I NEVER got asked....too U-G-L-Y...I ain't got no alibi....

Omgirl said...

UGH. BAD dress. BAD hair because i was out all day until an hour before prom trying to find a dress to replace the BAD dress. Date who was not my boyfriend (long story), which totally bummed me out. But ironically, THAT guy is still my friend. My senior year boyfriend only lasted until my first day at college when he promptly dumped me. The one good thing about Prom? "Forever Young" by Alphaville.