thankful thursday

things i am thankful for this week:

1. the chance to be a mother.  having my baby turn three made me take a good hard look at the old mothering stuff. i just hope i haven't scarred them too much with my unorthodox parenting. or what about the times where i've failed spectacularly? i just hope my girls will someday know that i was just doing the best i could but i fear it's not enough.  mother guilt is the worst kind for me.

2. the guy from gorgeous garage floors. russ got his dream-come-true with this dude--he came and speckled our garage floor and the rbc couldn't be happier. i liken it to the "make a wish foundation", except for husbands. and we have to pay.
but still.....

3. katie's term paper being FINISHED. when they assign a paper like this for students, why don't they just say, "parents: you have a term paper due by the end of the month.."
and the real rub is the fact that this is only just beginning.

4. little to no wind--the last week it has been soooooo windy here and i have to say it's not my favorite thing. it messes up my hair. i don't like that.

5. the movie "baby mama"--oh my. we saw this last saturday night, and i went in with low expectations, even though i love tina fey and amy poehler. i was pleasantly surprised that i thoroughly enjoyed it!!! my favorite line? when amy has the baby at the end and introduces her as "steph". tina fey says, "stephanie? oh, i love that name!" and amy says, "no--it's stef as in 'STEFANI'---as in gwen stefani." i about died.
so sefani is my new favorite baby name. right after the mother of all baby names, jermajesty, which is jermaine jackson's poor, unfortunate offspring. too bad that one's already taken.


Mike and Debbie said...

Umm...another favorite baby name I just heard...Sadin. When I first heard it I thought they had named their poor little girl Satan. Luckily they have decided that her nickname will be Sadie.

Jori said...

Jermajesty! That is hilarious! It's better than Shithead(pronounced shi-theed) I promise I've seen that name before. Ouchie!

Renee said...

Love all of these! I can't wait to see that movie too!

Holly H. said...

The comment about the term paper, I totally agree with. I swear teachers just hate their job so much that they need to make everyone else's life miserable too by giving kids homework! (was that a little harsh?) Also, is Baby Mama a show that a pre-teen kid could see? My son wants to see it on Saturday with his friends... what's your opinion????

tiburon said...

I heart you. I ♥ you. I need to see pictures of this garage floor. How would it be to get to the point where my house is so rockin I start decorating the garage!? I want to be RBC when I grow up.

LN said...

I think the Jackson's have some sort of royalty complex, with Jermajesty and Prince Michael I and Prince Michael II.

Then again, there's always Moxie Crimefighter (Penn Jillette's daughter).

The therapy bills are going to be staggering!!

Trina said...

Jermajesty makes me say "what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks?" every time. One of my favorites is Zowie Bowie-David Bowie's kid.

carly k said...

I'm glad you liked it...I want to go see it!

heidi said...

seriously? i haven't seen baby mama but as soon as you said stefani i thought, that's almost as bad as jermajesty. and then you wrote it. this is too much. when are we going to have a sleepover?

heidi said...

also, this is my other blog

Mia said...

OH my... I totally wanted to name our first daughter Zarahemla. Yeah I am a weirdo like that. Zoey Hannah was as close as my hubby would let me get!

I loved your thankful thursday list. Great mommyness and a sweet garage floor. Who could ask for more?

Denise said...

Jermajesty. How awful!
I'm totally jealous about the garage floor.