Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. russ got a speeding ticket in arizona but they charged me.

this came in the mail for me the other day from the arizona automated traffic enforcement department..........seriously????? i am irritated BEYOND beyond.

here is why i am so bent: i do not doubt the fact that we were going 78 in a 65 mile an hour zone--i cannot dispute the fact that the gold acura mdx with the sweet cargo carrier strapped on top is, indeed, ours. i concur with the esteemed officials at the scottsdale city court that the freaky-close up photo of our license plate doing 78 mph DOES belong to us. what chaps my hide is the fact that they have surveillance photos of russ talking on his cell driving the flippin' car and STILL the ticket came for MELINDA. and no, the car is NOT licensed under my name. russ is waaaaay too smart to put me in charge of something important like that.

my man has had the best laugh about this. when i was whining about the fact that i didn't want a speeding ticket on my record, he said i need to suck it up and take one for the team. i'm sulking because if i am gonna get the ticket, i at least wanted the sirens and lights and all of the hoopla surrounding the big event. perhaps me being lead away in handcuffs wearing a dirty wifebeater and no shoes?? i don't know.....

i do not feel awesome about taking one for the team.


Ida said...

oh that is just so wrong take one for the team?

Omgirl said...

Dude, that is the LAMEST thing ever. EVER. Arizona totally SUCKS. And you can tell Dave where HE can take one for the team. Pscht.

R-Eight said...


Hildie said...

I'm with you sister! My husband rear-ended someone last week and did $3500 worth of damage to his car. Wouldn't be so bad except he totalled his last car in November (or rather, he was hit and it was totalled. Same dif.) Anyway, he was totally paranoid about the insurance company being extremely pissed, so he told them that I wrecked his car this week. Thanks, pal!

Josh, Lindsie, and Ava said...

Those dangs things will get you every time. I would fight this one becaue you were obviously not the one driving, you've got the proof right there, so they can't give you a ticket. Take em' to court I say.

Josh, Lindsie, and Ava said...

P.S. Loving the title of this post! It took me a minute, but I am totally on board now. You are so sneaky.

Tiffany said...

I see a very expensive Mother's Day gift in your future. You know, from the team.

Jori said...

OOoooohhhhhh that sucks!!!! I didn't know they could get close ups of us. There are eyes everywhere! Except when you need them some jackass broadsided me in a parking lot the cops wouldn't come because he hit me in a parking lot. The fool has no license,no insurance,and it was his friends car. I took his plate down and made him talk to the geico lady on the phone. Guess who is taking it up the tail pipe for all of the damage? Well okay not ALL but cheapie Jori set our deductible super high. I love how people can screw us over and the cops don't do squat, but go 13 over and they are on all over that with close ups.....Down with the man!

Holly H. said...

I'd be so pissed! I think the city needs to earn their money the old-fashioned way and pull people over to bust them. They must be making millions! You should protest!

Me and The Boys said...

Dang--That sucks! I can't believe they do that! I hope I dont have one sitting in my mail box from the AZ PO-LICE!

Trina said...

I say the "team" owes you a day at the spa.

Stephanie said...

That is so wrong!! I seriously laughed out loud though because this is the kind of thing that always seems to happen to me (I call it a system-wide conspiracy to favor MEN). Your hubby owes you big time!!

tara said...

you didn't even get to flash the FIVE-O your boobies.
what a waste.

tiburon said...

LOVE that you are on the phone when you got nailed too. Soooo Mindi. Tell Russ HE can take one for the team!

Renee said...

You have the worst driving luck ever!!! Even when you're not behind the wheel, oh man! Guilty by association.

{jen} said...

The same thing happened to Chris when he was in AZ. I am pretty sure there is a warrent out for his arrest! He never paid it... It is so wrong on son many levels. Really, grow some AZ! -and pull us over so we can see you face to face! The best part is; they pay another company to do all the work. So, the police force only gets a small portion of the money collected. SO stupid!

Mia said...

For sure RBC owes you big for taking one for the team... I am right there with you though. My hubby has been pulled over tons of times and never given a ticket. Me, I get a ticket every time they pull me over. Geesh.

Christie said...

That sucks.

And not to change the subject, but I also drive and MDX. Knew there was something about you that I liked.

Christie said...

Ok - that sounded wrong. I should have said there is a reason that I like you. But, nevermind. I'm tired. Must quit now . . .

*KaTiE cLoVeR* said...

frickin a mom. for real? how in the world did they do that?!?!

Hacking it up said...

Well, crap.

How would those guys like it if we took pictures of them doing everything?...Do you think they would like getting a picture in the mail of them leaving the toilet seat up in the bathroom?, or eating grapes in the grocery store?...I think not.

...and it sucks that you should have to "take one for the team"...that is not ok.

Malea Ellett said...

That is so funny! I have always heard of the surveilance camera's, but never seen one in action!

Anonymous said...

I just laughed so hard that I think I woke up a sleeping child next door. Oh wait, I am not sure the kids next door SLEEP. Too bad for you. I hear AZ will give you a break for showing up. And if you can pay in cash. But I would never tell you how I know this semi-valuable info. Good luck!

Stephanie M said...

This completely destroys Twilight's credibility for me! If your 'team' can get a ticket, how can Edward not?

Super Happy Girl said...

My 20/20 eyeballs indeed concur with the fact that "Melinda" is actually a dude. A phone talking dude.

Take it like a man yo.
You know you can get back at the team very easily :D