i am not too proud to admit that consuming massive amounts of diet dr pepper is a little white trash. but i've decided that i have a sickness which is incurable AND untreatable--i've accepted and moved on.
what stops me short, though, is the REFILL MUG.
i might be a little biased and i certainly know that there are many high-class, white-collar, $$$ making upstanding citizens who use a mug. but mostly i'd say the mug crowd tends to lean towards the large woman wearing cut-off sweatpants, a really bad perm, and a "G AND R" bumper sticker on her vehicle.
she will generally have a few children in tow, a few left out in the car, a really loud voice, and a penchant for fried foods and gas-station nachos. (oh, wait--that last one is ME.)
she may or may not have night ranger/styx/eminem/pussycat dolls/nickelback playing on the car stereo (oh wait--that last one is ME, too. yikes!) and could possibly have filled the toddler's bottle with coke from the fountain. ( i plead the 5th on that one.)
what is NEVER a variable, though, is the mug. it's almost always a constant. many times it has to be washed out in the nasty little sink next to the burritos and then sniffed for approval.
so when my darling husband brought home a couple of mugs to aid in our soda consumption, i will admit that i said not only no, but HELL NO.
he won , however, by stating that it was cheaper to refill the mugs, he wouldn't make me go in and do it, i could lay down on the car seat while he was filling them so that people wouldn't see me, yada yada yada.
so the other day when i was taking the kids to the pool for the afternoon i faced a moral dilemma: take the refill mugs, face my demons and fill them, thus providing a drink that wouldn't immediately melt in the 100 degree heat OR allow my pride to rule, leave the mugs on the floor of the car where they belong and kick it old school with the paper cups and watered-down ddp within the hour.

i refilled the mugs. and a part of me died that day.
guess who needs therapy? (DON'T answer that question.)
truth be told that back in my soda drinkin' days, i, too, indulged in some big gulp refillable cups.
no shame.
at least you're drinkin' ICE COLD, while the rest let their cups sweat all over their cars, they're hands and constantly have the drippage.
Ah, drippy paper cups vs. ice cold mugg-age! The battle continues. Mindi, you are so dang honest and funny! It has been a while since I have been around. Thanks for the mid-night laugh!
Do you know what the only thing my dad wanted for Father's Day? A refillable mug. So I went to the most ghetto gas station I could find and found the biggest one there was (100 oz.) and wrapped it up. I did it more as a joke, but the next day, he went to the 7-11 and filled that puppy up. It takes up the passenger seat and it needs its own seat belt. Now that is WT!
My mom SO still uses the big ghetto refill cups. I haven't gotten there, yet...
And I'm the one blasting Nickleback form my car. And maybe the pussycat dolls. And some Hinder, Three Days Grace, 311, and Miranda Lambert. That is a white trash mix if I ever heard of one.
You are way funny. i have to admit though it is all true. My uncle has done the big gulp mug for years and come to think of it I have never seen him wash/rinse/or sniff that sucker EVER. Now that is gross!!
I have a friend who glittered one up, Amy style.
Is there anything worse than watered down ddp?
I'd carry a Marriott mug! IMHO it is a lot less WT than a mug that has a nasty gas station logo emblazoned across it.
lol back in the dayz they were teh bomb, now we used them to carry home our "otai drinks" (tongan goodness)!
that is so flippin hillarious! I, too have the DDP fetish. I use the Maverick cup so they are a little more incognito....but they do the melting within an hour thing, so be brave with your mug...way to go sista!
HAHAHA!!! My friend and I had this EXACT conversation the other day. My daily Coke runs WOULD justify the purchase of a mug. But, I just can't do it! It's the same as my USWeekly magazine. I'll buy it every week, knowing that I could save $$ by getting a subscription, but it's not happenning!
Is it just me or is that doll stoned? Just wondering.
This is where your crafty friend Kami comes in. What will it be... Glitter, mod-podge or vinyl? Or, embrace it and finally get that big old tattoo you've always wanted to go with. ;)
PS. This message sent from the Happy place.
<3 happy kami
I love how you are rockin the mugs from 2002. That is sweet.
You are such trash. And I love you even more for it.
You are so funny! Still haven't joined the mug refillers...
The Larry H Miller theaters up here (which is about half the theaters in northern Utah) have mugs like that. $ONE DOLLAR to fill them up at the movies! Versus like $4.00 usually. So my mug is one of my prized posessions. (Thank you Jennie for leaving the state and passing it on to me).
Don't ever change. Ever. I love you and your ugly mug.
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