
alright, so it's time to take things down a notch.

being serious on this blog hasn't been my bag, but i felt strongly about this and wanted to use writing as my OBVIOUS therapy. (instead of the non-obvious kind that we all enjoy as bloggers.)

while viewing my beloved so you think you can dance wednesday night, i watched a number that affected me so powerfully, so intensely, that i had to rewind it and watch it again. and then again. and then again and again and again.

i love mia michael's choreography, but i loved even better what she said when introducing the dance: " i think everybody at one point will have or has had an experience with wanting something that's not good for you."

i think we always think of addiction in a drugs/alcohol sense, but i've come to find that we all have addictions of our own, whether it's something small like.....say.....*ahem* being addicted to diet dr pepper, or something large. (sorry, no example on that one--just insert any of your choice!)

i am no stranger to addiction. i've fought battles with it over the course of my life--some small, some life-alteringly HUGE. sometimes i won, sometimes i failed miserably. when in the thick of it, i know it was hard for people who loved me to sit back and watch while i ignored their pleas and heart-felt advice. i know they felt powerless to help me while i worked on destroying everything around me.

i know all these things because somebody i love very much is going through an addiction of some sorts--something that's not good for them. and it's heartbreaking to stand aside when all you want to do is help them fix it and find happiness.

while watching this dance, i identified with all aspects. and realized that this problem has touched not only my life, but every single person's life out there. one silly little dance program brought me a moment of calmness and clarity. and i am grateful for that.


kami @ said...

Wow! I just watched that dance for the first time (I'm a week behind). Along with your words, that is so moving. I think we all can identify and it makes me feel differently...a bit judge mental.

Rebecca said...

I loved that dance, too. I'm positive that there is no such thing as an "addiction" to soda. Drink away my friend, drink away! Although on a completely different note, dr pepper is disgusting. I'm just saying... but I still heart you.

R-Eight said...

Will you please explain to me why I am crying at 6:22am?

Great post.

Melinda said...

Oh yes, heartbreaking dance this week!!! I had tears the first time (and second and third). I loved the part where he has her head and then keeps letting her go and then her head goes back into his hand over and over. Seriously. I need therapy.

Anonymous said...

I saw that last night. That was an amazing dance. It was really moving. In more ways than one. :)

Nathan said...

I really liked this one too. I was amazed the guy could pull off such a frighteningly sinister face despite his personal experience.

My wife and I watched it, and I didn't notice until the end that I had stopped breathing.

Definitely deep.

LN said...

Very powerful piece!! (I, too, am a fan of Mia Michael's choreography. It doesn't always work, but when she hits it, it's a full-up bullseye!!)

Sorry to hear you've got someone you care about going thru this. It's rough. Here's hoping it all turns out well. Hang in there!

Alyssa said...

loved this one - it definitely struck a chord with me. I watched it 2-3 times the first night and watched it again last night because I thought it was so powerful. My favorite this season. Well, except for that tango - but I loved that for an entirely different set of reasons.

Tiffany said...

Wow. I think you're spot on. We all can relate in one way or another.

Loved the dance. Love "serious Mindi" too. ;)

tammy said...


Thankfully I've only been addicted to desserts (well and maybe a little three-letter drug), but I've watched my BIL fight his addiction to drugs and alcohol over the years.

I like it when Mindi gets deep.

Steve and Jamie said...

Thanks for posting! I've watched this video a couple times for the last few days and it has made me cry every time. I also have someone close to me who has a serious addiction and it is hard stand by and watch. Sometimes it is hard not to be critical, but I was reminded by this dance that addiction is like that dark evil monster. Once a person is caught, it is hard to get out.

As a side note, I really liked the part where she was trying to "kick her addiction."

mCat said...

I LOVED that dance, and I'm not ususually a Mia fan, but this one ROCKED.

And now, you just put the perfect words to it.

Thanks gal!
Hey, are you around in August? Like the week of the 12th??

JMadd said...

Definitely powerful! I had chills up and down my arms every time I've watched it. I have a sister who is addicted to Meth, so it hit really close to home.

kami @ said...

oops... I just read what I wrote and I meant to say LESS judgemental. I could watch it again and again too.

Callie Ann said...

This dance was INCREDIBLE. I bawled when I watched it. My dad struggled with drugs for years, and ended up losing the battle resulting in suicide. It's amazing to me how Mia can incorporate life events and struggles into a 4 minute dance, just another reason I effin' love this show.

Plain Jame said...

My addiction is that show. It's the only one I'll physically injure people if they interfere with my viewing pleasure..

I know what you mean by being through a huge addiction yourself, and then seeing someone else go through it. It sucks so hard when you have the insight and hindsight to want to help someone not go down a certain road. So many emotions to deal with there...
Thanks for this post. Me likey.

Mia said...

I cried the first, second, third... time I watched this video. My 5 year old daughter asked me why "he didn't just let her go" and it broke my heart. I too have someone I love fighting a very serious addiction. I know what that self-destructive life spiral is like and there is nothing I can do to help, except love them (tough love sometimes) and pray (which is harder than it sounds).

Vanessa said...

Tears. I loved that one as well.

Shawn said...




I'm addicted to it.

But, seriously---it was powerful and I know exactly what you are talking about....thanks for saying it....

Omgirl said...

Every season there is a dance that just sticks with you, that blows you away. I knew as soon as I saw that one that that was IT for me this season. It was so powerful for me too! I had to rewind it and watch it about four times. I LOVED Kapono's face during that dance. PERFECT. So powerful and relentless.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Cole said...

Yeah, that one hit me, HARD.

Just thinking about it hits me.

Yup, there it went again, wham, right in the gut.

*KaTiE cLoVeR* said...

gosh. im a 15 year old who never cries over anything and everytime i see that, i bawl my eyes out. absolutely amazing.

Becky, yep said...

Thank you Mindi!
Thank you Mia!