initial key chains

in keeping with my obsession with all things alphabet, i picked up some of these initial key rings at the store the other day. i couldn't help myself--i just loved the whimsical font, so i bought an assortment. not really knowing what compelled me.....i just gave IN TO THE URGE. and it felt oh-so right.....

i put mine on my rear-view mirror and it brings me such joy every time i get into the car. (yes. i'm so LAME.) but i figured it was better than a bandanna covered with buttons or a naked barbie doll. (both of which occupied that coveted spot in high school. YIKES.)

i especially love the g model and am seriously considering changing my name to gindi.

btw: i found some cute lowercase initial key rings HERE on sale for $2.50 if you happen to be lucky enough to have a name that starts with d, e, f, i, l, n, o, p, q, u, v, w, x, y, or z.


Cole said...

G happens to go pretty well with "Godsey" so if Gindi doesn't work out for you....

Tiffany said...

I love you, Gindi.

Just SO said...

Gindi I want that S! Where did you find these??

kami @ said...

Gindi or maybe Gami?

Omgirl said...

I might change my name to Garyanne, that G is so cute. (Garyanne? not so cute)