thankful thursday

things i am thankful for this week:

**THIS cookie that i found on jennie's blog. it is sinful. which is the best kind of cookie as far as i'm concerned.

& thank you to megan for making them for rbc's birthday. they are his new favorite.

**the opportunity to purchase a totally cool new bike--

i look like a certified idiot while riding it. AND i protested much about having to wear the helmet. (safety first!) but i'm glad to finally get it.

{thank you to my angel benefactors for helping make it possible. i love you!}

**this view that i get to look at daily. it never gets old.

**pictures from costa rica that make me smile--

this is the squirrel that is currently living with/terrorizing my parents. i think he's adorable:


tiburon said...

You made the right choice on the Dolce.

So when are we going to ride?

Hildie said...

So you DO still read my blog.