after getting our tickets for half price at this hooked up website, we rode down and ate dinner at cheesecake factory in henderson, then went to the show. if you've seen cirque du soleil shows before, you know that these performers can do truly astounding things. with ka, i was amazed at the beauty and grace of some of the numbers. it's a slower-paced (or to quote neal, "more artsy-fartsy") show than the others, but the special effects and scenery and music are so worth it.

*seeing the fountains and the botanical gardens at the bellagio--the weather was beautiful and steve and mindi could not resist sneaking into the secret "vip" food lounge just to see if they could. eveyone else wussed out.
*jared sucking off the strawberry milkshake from in-and-out burger after almost every other person in the van took a turn. (large milestone)
*jared sucking off the strawberry milkshake from in-and-out burger after almost every other person in the van took a turn. (large milestone)
*neal announcing "welcome to CLEEVE-land, boys!" after about the 10th set of, ummmmmm, amply-displayed brestessess walked by
*russ parking the big white van at valet and saying, "don't go falling in love with this here vehicle, clark--we'll be taking it with us when we leave next month....."
*checking out colby's hand on jared's butt in photo above
*checking out colby's hand on jared's butt in photo above
*seeing darrin in a orange button-down shirt--"dannielle made me." he looked hot!

Your trip looks like a blast! Nothing like a road trip with everyone packed in together.
P.S. If I could ever get your sister's recipe, I could just kiss you!!
Could you ever email me with it? I will take you to lunch next time I am in St. Hoorhey.
Hardy har har! This just cracked me up. Loved the vacation comment, and the Cleev-land. I think I may start using that as my return address.
That looks like a blast! When I grow up I want to be just like you and take fun trips! You know how to rock it out.
PS see you in 4 days to do St George up right :)
Looks like a blast! What a fun group!
Your the Best friend EVER!
that's right, becky--now just tell my friends that.
no, not always the best friend.
i try, though. hope that's enough!
Looks like so much fun...I love those shows, can't get enough :)
I am so jealous! I needed to be in the 15 passenger van... CJD could have totally make up some sweet song lyrics all the way to L.V. Sounds like a fun time was had by all- I miss out on too much living here!
You're a great friend! We had a great time and love all you do for us. Now, can you figure out who this is? Hint: I love Jareds behind!
if that is you, cc--you KNOW how much i love that you just did that. i love you guys, too--and i love when you show man-love without shame.
My favorite is the tribute to Christmas Vacation. A classic.
Looks like a really fun trip. I love Cirque and am always asking my hubby to take me to Vegas for a show or two.
You forgot the part when you left me in the Belagio and went to the van. I was scared and did a lot of crying and swearing under my breath. I will know better next time and not leave the group. Maybe the buddy system?
Ka was so cool and I want to take my kids.
btw, do we get to meet Tib this weekend?
I LOVE Las Vegas! We try to go there 2 or 3 times a year. You're so lucky to live so close! Congrats on the Scentsy win BTW! :)
I am muy impressed that you were able to pull off the VIP room again. I thought I was going to pass out when we did that in December. How are we related?
Uh- yeah, we love Cirque De Solei, especially Zumanity!---NOT, okay I'll have to talk to you about that one- in person :)
Your trip looked Wicked Awesome, how fun!
I must say, not only are you a hottie but your hubby is quite the looker!!
Cute couple!!
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