time for shameless self-promotion again and a chance to flush some blurkers out of the bushes--i had so much fun last month checking to see who had entered each day, that i'm making this a monthly deal. with it being time for april showers to bring may flowers, i thought these faux tulip and planted bulb arrangements (oh-so-fake and easy to care for, of course) would be just what the doctor ordered. for those of you who spit on flower arrangements, i have included a $15 i-tunes gift card.

so, here's how it works: please submit a 250 word essay on why you feel you would be worthy of winning, along with a $20.00 "processing" fee and all of your personal bank account information, social security and driver's license numbers, etc.
okay, not really--just leave a comment, and if you don't have a blogger id, just leave an anonymous comment with your name and state and you're in the running! BONUS: if you further enable my self-promotion by giving it a shout out on your blog, you get 2 entries. not a requirement, but rather an
incentive. i would love everyone and anyone to get in on this sweet action--btw, have i mentioned that i will ship this anywhere?? that is my level of commitment to this relationship, people!
this will end at midnight on april 20th and the lucky-ducky winner will be posted on monday the 21st.
Pick me please!
Shout out a positive! pick me foo!
I know... it would be greedy to win again. So, this is not an entry, but a compliment on your decision to do monthly giveaways. In a couple of months, you can count me back in the running.
hey christi--it is fair game for anyone, lady! count yourself in.
Whoohoo! You are a royal babe! Although I was hoping a 4 hook bra would be up for grabs too.
i want it, i want it!!!
Count me in. I want it. I want it all. I will even write the blasted essay.
Cool deal...I'm In!
Please oh please, pick me !!! I need some flowers that are no maintenance and that i am not allergic to !!! And you are super funny, cool, nice, pretty, radical, awesome and not stuck in the 80s. pick me !!!
I wish I had been with you to try to get into the VIP lounge. I'm usually all by myself when I try stuff like that. The key is to ACT LIKE YOU BELONG THERE.
Back off Ladies...It's mine - Cuz - I'm gonna hold Mindi's hand at my tattoo parlor...Right, Mindi?!?!?
Your blog is my absolute favorite. I read it everyday and laugh.
you are too funny!
always a laugh here....
Just let my picture speak for me!
Count me in!
That's funny that you should do a blog giveaway on the same day that you win a super-fantastic prize on my blog: http://toddmistybarry.wordpress.com/2008/04/07/drumroll-please/
Check it out!
You get to choose from three different warmers, Floral Garden, Cornicopia & a Santa warmer. I will try and send you the pictures of the warmers soon.
The other thing is that I know you live in St. George, so maybe if Tib is heading down there this weekend, she and I can meet up and she can deliver it for me, if the two of you are going to meet up.
I'm in
I'm so in!! I missed the last one, gosh, I need to check you out every day or I miss something!
yeah, malea--try to keep up.
actually, it's lame the amount of useless crap i want to put on here, but it makes me content, so i don't fight the feeling any longer.
My last post is all yours baby! :)
that purple flower arrangement would compliment the one you gave me for my birthday considering they were separated at birth!
SWEET-- I'm in for real!! I am giving you shout outs on my blog. Cmon, you know you want me, to win, that is- in a mean way. I need the fake plants- don't do so hot w/ the real ones. Save a Plant & pick me :)
Love ya like a sista,
Ooooh, I want to win so hard. Consider yourself shouted out, too...
Put me down for 2 entries - the post will be on soon!
why hello there!!!
guess what i'm in
and i'm Kaity's friend so you wouldn't even need to ship it LOL!
Man, put me in the running...along with your other thousand of adoring fans!
dude. I'm so in.
Sign me up! I'll also post a link on my blog
Great giveaway! The flowers are very nice! Please enter my name :)
Yay!! Great giveaway!
PS I LOVE your big fork and spoon in your kitchen! They are way too cute.
Pick me, pick me!! Shipping will cost you the same as everyone else (I swear!!) So cute and I live for Itunes seeing as I am currently cut off from a lot of my favorite shows for 3 yrs! (Is that desperate enough for you?) Even if I don't win, you've already won my love Mindi! You're my laugh of the day! (Ah...in a good way! That sounded kind of mean...)
ok then. Shout out completed. Second entry secured.
Pick Tib.
Count me in! Love your blog, by the way!
Love the blog! Hope you pick me!
I probably should win this.
Pick me! Pick me!!!
You'll pick me if you know what's good for you.
I can't even call myself a real blurker because so far I have only blurked once or twice, and I think I may have shown myself the last time you did a giveaway. BUT I will say this: I might not have come out and made a comment if it hadn't been for the fact that a really cool song was playing on your blog when I went to it today. Unfortunately, the song changed before I could see what it was. Darn. I normally mute blog music (as I can't read and listen at the same time), but I left it on. That's how good the song was.
Word to your mutha, for real! I know I don't "know" you, but I heart you anyways...
I am in like Flynn. Wait, what the heck does that even mean? And who is Flynn? Anyway, add me!!!!!
I am becoming a regular blog stalker to this "flippin' sweet" blog as well! I found you when you left me a comment a while back! I love how random and fun your blog is. I totally agree with your most recent "waaaaaambuance" (a term we lovingly use at our house as well) post. I am fairly new to blogging and am still trying to find my voice and a happy medium with it, but I love it! Thanks for your great insight! (oh and p.s. fake flowers are my favorite. . .pick me!)
OK, I'm a blurker, count me in! I found your blog through Tiburon :) Love your sense of humor.
OH!!! OH!!! PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!!
All y'all (that's Texan for you) bloggers that do giveaways are awesome...I wish I would do that...I suck a little...perhaps i can be inspired!:)
Crap...you caught me. You crack me up! Caylor and Amy's sis-in-law here, Kourtney. I used to be Amy's only sis-in-law, but Bren had to go and get married again. Anyway, great giveaway. I recognize that girl up above in the gray photo from designmom giveaways. Your blog is getting "big league".
Love to win - love your blog
Morgan, Utah
I love these. Count me in! I found your blog through Mia.
yay- please neter me. This is an awesome giveaway :)
Why not? Sign me up.
Tib sent me over. You can thank her... LOL!
Okay, here's my comment! j/k. Love the blog. Thanks for the giveaway. Crossing my fingers that I win!
I posted a comment AND gave a shout out for your give-away!
Thank you....nice giveaway.
Hi! I am Kristen, a friend of Mia's. I also have 4 daughters ages 13, 10, 5, and 3. Love the giveaway!
I would love to be included. Mia gets the credit for her blog post :)
please, please,please pick me! Podder def needs some freshening up!
I could really use that I tunes card as a Mother's Day gift!
Nice giveaway! Give it to me! My kids and hubby will so NOT give me anything for Mum's Day. The most I can coax from them is a free brunch.
Oh you just made me take a trip down early 90s memory lane! Please enter me in your giveaway.
elkmeese at yahoo.com
Found your blog through Mia and I'm so glad. Your giveaway is great, but your blog is much better!!! "Word to your mother" and "more cowbell"... oh no she didn't.
I'm most certainly giving you a shout out on my blog.
Please count me in!
I found your blog through a comment you made on my friend Steph's blog. I've been enjoying it for a while--you are hilarious! (I'm not just saying that because I want to win.)
What the H!? I haven't commented to win this super fantastic giveaway yet?
Ooh,I want to win! I could even write an essay ;)
wow, you have an awful lot to choose from!!!
I'm not a blogger but would love to be included in the drawing! ~ :)
Pretty, pretty please... PICK ME!
LOVE your blog! Makes me crack up everytime I click over... :)
too too funny!!
Oh my what beautiful flowers -- and I think I could even take care of them!
I am entered!!!! Don't know if it counts, since we are almost first relations... (I'm the sis to a sis-in-law to your friend and all) but if you're up for givin'-I'm all in for the takin'. Peace. (is that gangsta' chatter? Can you tell I'm tryin' to win your love) Way to get the commentos. You freakin' crack me up. I'm adding you to my fave's of the faves. That's me simply kris, throughtkourtney dalley, through amy dalley... my lineage. Keep up the giggles. I am rollin'.
had to add on my joy at being entrant #69! classic. Lovin' life here in blogging world. Yeah me!!!!
Great giveaway!
ok, so there are like a million people entered so i know i won't win but i thought i'd try anyways. you are popular girl! if i did a contest, like 3 people would enter. well, thats probably also cuz i would only offer something like tampax or a block of cheese.
also, you have succeeded in buying my love... even if i don't win! :)
I think I might be needing some spring accents in my house considering that it is still feeling like winter up here most days. Sign me up.
I'll definitly take it off your hands for you!
Can people from Las Vegas have a shot? I could use some flowers to decorate the desert.
I hope I win this time!!
I wanna be winner winner chicken dinner! And a big ol shout out on my blog about it for you!
I am in, that crying girl gif is just too funny! That poor girl.
Okay fine I'll comment to win. Now I better win....this just took 5 seconds to do.
Ok ok! Pull my leg to win free stuff! Sign me up!
Okay Mindi...you got me!! What a cool idea! THANKS!!!
For some reason I felt very compelled to enter your contest after reading your last post. I wonder why?
I want some of that sweetness..and btw..I LOVE your blog. You crack me up! What a delight to read each day!
Ok so I guess it's time for me to stop being a blog stalker! Mindi, you are my blog idol. I seriously love the crazy stuff you write. So pick me to win, you won't even have to ship :)
pick me!!
HELLOOOOOOOOOO--- I entered, & that's all you need Big Girl!!! I have missed your blog for like 5 days, CRaZY I know-- SICK FAMILY!! We are all well now, & I can't wait to get the GooDS from you :) heheheeeee.....
How fantastic!!!! I would totally love to win!!!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!! :o)
Word to your muther!!!!
I want to win this so I can give it to Kasi and she will worship!!
Count me in!
please pick me! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love tulips and hyacinths..and they'd last forever. Sounds good to me!
I love flowers...try to pick me, okay???
Greetings! The tulip and hyacinth bulb planting really look real. They would make a lovely gift for my sister, who is the Godmother of my two sons. They would be pretty as part of a table center piece. Please enter me in your delightful giveaway. I appreciate it. Thanks,Cindi
Ok girl, Amy, my cutest cousin in the whole world told me I had to check out your blog and Oh my gosh where have you been all my life? Yip, I have been lurking ever since and your humor is a must for me daily. The giveaways are seriously awesome but truly just reading your blog and having a good ole gut wrenching laugh is worth a million. You have a great BIG shout out from me sista, KEEP IT UP! Teisha
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