we went to scottsdale and all i have to show for it is a bag of chucharitas.

when we were getting ready to hit the road in scottsdale, we stopped into a little am/pm market to gas up and get a drink and a treat. i found this over by the bags of licorice, gummi bears, and little butterscotch hard candies. i was so very repelled/grossed out/sickened by the "chucharitas" that i had to purchase them. there are 6 spoons, wrapped in saran wrap each with a rubber band around them. ingredients, you ask? sugar, citric acid, salt, chili powder, and corn syrup, naturally!!! with my pseudo-latino heritage, i should be all over these babies like white on rice. unfortunately, i don't like to consume food that tastes like ass.

what's so gut-churning about them is that the stuff is all gooey, like a scoop-full of cookie dough. with the consistency of crisco. 


Amy said...

Remember while we were in Acapulco on that "Fabulous?" beach we saw all the locals yumming on those mangos covered with chili powder and flies... the spoons are for when you need a quick fix of awfulness and you aren't close to a "private?" fantasy island.

tiburon said...

That is sick. I mean sicker than sick.

Jori said...

That just made me throw up in my mouth a little.

hoLLy said...

my inlaws picked us up a few of those bad boys while in mexico, along with a million other mexico delights. me no likey. my husband will eat anything though, so he was all over the stuff:)

Megal said...

I can't think of anything more delicious to satisfy those sweet yet salty cravings. Disgusting!

Erica Onelove said...

I think it sounds good.

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

What is grosser than gross... Chucharitas!!

P.S. Kyle and I used to work with Ariann (omgirl) and her husband. How funny, such a small baloggin' world. Thanks for the hook up!

Suzie said...


Jill said...

Oh ya! At my sons valentines party at school, a little boy brought these for his treat. BTW my son is about one of three white kids in his class. All the kids including my son wanted seconds of this horrible candy, if you can call it that. Fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Ok Mindy, you do not know me, but I have heard lots about you from Amy and you crack me up!! I have been laughing out loud (I have to spell it out for you to get the full effect and me to get it off my chest!) from your posts. I am a new blogger (thanks to Amy) and you are truly inspiring. You are a hoot!! I can only imagine you, Amy, Russ and Caylor together. I would like to be a fly on the wall! Keep up the good work and quick humor, I love it!

Lesley said...

Words can't express the sickness of these!

Trina said...

Sick and wrong.

Super Happy Girl said...

No. flipping. way.

Who are you and how come we have never crossed blog paths?

You have More cowbell. Definitely.
You love Joel.
You wrote a post about cucharitas (mine is still in my drafts folder)
I love demotivational posters.
You have a picture of Bob (who is looking for a rich lady to make his bride) on your blog. I had him just last Saturday.
I'm digging the blesbians!