hidden kitty treasures

the other week when we came home from our family vacay in park city, i went to put a small trinket in my non-white-trash version of the curio cabinet. imagine my surprise when i saw this:


keep in mind that any manner of feathered friends or creepy miniature hand-objects are right at home there.

i was just (pleasantly) taken off guard when i saw a few new additions:



now, i ask you: who does NOT love a tole-painted cat, lovingly crafted and placed in a position of prominence?

obviously, my "crazy cat lady" status has not been lost on my friends--jody & jared had snuck into our abode and stealthily placed them with care in the cubby for all to enjoy.

they. complete. me.


tiburon said...

Love that Jared and Jody. They have the best sense of humor. (Well, them and Steve Kemp...)